
Jesus Phones or iPhone 4S sale: Buyers line goes over crowed

Apple employees congratulate a customer, Today Friday morning during to buy an iPhone 4S store in London. Co-founder Steve Wozniak lined up on Friday morning for a chance to buy the iPhone 4S, the latest in the company's line of Jesus Phones, which includes many under the- hood improvements.

The lines, which drew thousands, were part exercises in tech commercialism & part homages to Steve Jobs, Apple's other co-founder, who died last week following a battle with pancreatic cancer. In New York, Apple fans created a makeshift memorial to Jobs that included flowers, photos, iPad boxes & apples [as in the fruit].

And in Atlanta, some people said they were lining up for the phone in part because of Jobs.
I wanted it anyway, but [Jobs death] made me sort of want it more because this is the last one I know he worked on, Dwight Hill, from an Atlanta suburb, said of his decision to buy the phone. I just hope the company keeps going in the same direction.

About 200 people had lined up in the wee hours of the morning in New York to buy the new phone, which has a faster processor & a digital assistant that responds to voice commands & talks back to phone owners, answering their questions. Long lines also formed in Asia & Europe as people waited for the phone.
In Silicon Valley, California, Wozniak, the Apple co-founder who, along with Jobs, helped create the world's first truly personal computer, sat in an armchair at the front of a line that began forming Thursday afternoon. He tapped on his iPad, sipped Diet Dr. Pepper & took photos with fans while he awaited the phone's release.


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